Kids and Babies :O)

Its been awhile since I did an update on here, so it’s time. We have had a very rainy and cloudy spring for the Okanagan, which suits this Sunshine-loving girl just fine, as I have been busy with photography and haven’t had much of a chance to get outdoors. That being said, I am now 28 weeks pregnant and I think its starting to catch up with me, so I have a little mini vacation planned next week and plan to try to get in some pool time.

I have limited space available this year as I am almost booked up, if you are expecting or plan to have photos done, please contact me asap to arrange so I can ensure a space for you!

And I can’t say it enough, I am so blessed to get to work with such beautiful families.  I left my full time career back in January and I have realized how incredibly blessed I have been to get to do this as my “work”. I love every single second of spending time with each and every person I have photographed. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me into your lives to capture those moments with you, and getting in front of that camera isn’t an easy thing to do!

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